

Fundraiser Held By the Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island for HCLT

Dr. David Spritzen

EHSLI Fundraiser Attendees

HCLT Board Members

HCLT Board Member 

Sylvia Silberger and Attendees

HCLT Board Member Petal Scantlebury and Members Seymore Edwards and 

Supreme Mathematics

Eric Alexander and EHSLI Attendee

HCLT Board Introduces CLT Model

Rosa Yordan and EHSLI Attendees

Assemblywoman Taylor Darling and Wayne Hall Jr. attends EHSLI Fundraiser

Assemblywoman Darling, Eric Alexander, and HCLT Board

Charleen Allen, a winner of one of the EHSLI Basket Raffle

Celebrating HCLT and Birthdays

We are grateful beyond words for the support of the 

Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island (EHSLI)

2020 Census and Voter Registration Breakfast

We had a great set-up at the 175 Fulton St Diner in Hempsted!

Lots of swag for census takers. 

Hey, we're filling out the census!

We had voter registration at the event, too!

ABBA Meeting With Former Governor David Patterson

Thanksgivng Care Packages

HCLT secretary Sylvia Silberger (shown) helped treasurer Lenora Quinones and president Brandy Watson make care packages that were donated to the ABBA Leadership Council's Thanksgiving Event.  

Look at them all!

200 hundred care packages were made!

HCLT President Brandy Watson

HCLT President Brandy Watson with Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby at the Uniondale Community Land Trust dinner honoring Councilwoman Goosby, where Brandy was asked to speak.  HCLT has friendly cooperative relationship with UCLT. 

HCLT President Brandy Watson

President Brandy Watson at one of the 175 Fulton St Diner lunch meetings of the HCLT Executive Board.